In the last 15 years, photography has changed drastically. Most would say for the better. But there seems to be a mindset that my generation has gotten into and I believe we are losing a piece of ourselves because of it. That mindset is, that if I have a digital file, I can print whenever I want to. Theoretically, that is true. But what happens if your CD or USB is corrupted? Your external hard drive fails? Your computer crashes? The server you use goes down? If you haven’t printed your pictures they are lost forever. It quite honestly is one of my biggest fears.
So I challenge you! Print your portraits. Please put them in an album and on your walls. Talk to your kids about your history. Re-start your family oral history and use photographs to add to the memories. Don't rely on digital images. They will not be around forever. In life, sometimes, all we end up with is our memories. Make sure they are intense and vivid in your mind and those you love.